Executive Function Coaching

Executive Function Coaching is an intervention, which teaches the necessary executive skills to become successful in school and in life.  The goal of the coaching relationship is to help students with weaknesses in executive functioning (planning, organization, prioritizing, initiating, etc.) develop a better understanding of themselves as a learner, gain independence, and build confidence in both academic and daily living tasks. Our coaching model includes a one-on-one weekly session with the student to provide regular practice and modeling of executive skills. Coaching also includes a parent module to educate the family on how to best support the student and provide strategies for the home environment.

​Additionally, the coach is able to engage in ongoing or as-needed communication with your child’s teachers. Your child’s coach will be using the student’s actual classwork, grades, and projects to help teach appropriate planning, study skills based on their learning style, prioritizing, self-assessing, and time management.  Based on students’ individual needs, a customized coaching plan will be created with tools and strategies, which are tailored to their specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Email Kerri Jean Wheeler for more information or to schedule an appointment.